Main Lunch: Rice with Onion Chicken


It's been a year already, but well here I am. Proud to be back to my cafe!

I know that it's been a year since I wrote last time. Being 26, not so bad. I know that some people are really scared to be older, well I am too. But nowadays I did not think about it that much. I feel like, while I am in my 20s, I have to enjoy about it while it lasts. Being 20, for me is all about the journey. Sometimes people around you keep giving you this pressure, to study more, to graduate with good grades, to have a nice and decent job, to earn more money, to support your family, to get married, to have kids, to have a goal in life. 

But all of it -- is so much for 20 something year olds. Older people especially parents, ofcourse they have high expectations with their children. But what they missed out is that their children might not want the same thing as they want. It is something that I have learned, to let go of those expectations because in the end, you are the one who take control of your life. People might tell you whats good and whats bad for you, but in the end you are the one in control. You are the driver of your own car. 

Being in late 20s for me, is being more faithful, more mature, and to be more sincere. It is that time of the decade that you will learn more about yourself, to know yourself. I do have goals, but I am not in a rush in any of it since I believe in my own time. 

I would like to share to my beloved customers here about my work. For the past years, I've been to different companies. I went from property, to ecommerce, and to consulting. Well me 4 years ago, wouldn't have imagined that I will be working as a consultant now, which is totally different than my major. Well I always knew I would not want to be a professional architect, but just never crossed my mind that I will be where I am today. (or have I..?)

Anyways, I am really enjoying my time here. I hope that I could learn a lot and have more experience for the next 2 or 3 years in here. I mean I have been to quite a lot in these past 3 years, so I guess this is my time to just enjoy my life and the moment. In terms of relationship, well, things do get better. I would not want to talk about what happened on my past relationship, but whats important is that now things are even better that I ever have imagined. 

And I hope things do get better for you too.

Thank you for visiting my cafe, enjoy our lunch today!

See you soon,

Tiramisu Choco

