Sweets: Banana Cake



Hello there, and welcome back~

Today I present you: Banana Cake! After feeling blue lately.. I managed to write again, and back to my cafe.. I started to let go and accept it the way it was. There's nothing I can do for now, but let's not waste our time to even think about it.

------ JK, First paragraph was my draft since 3 months ago ><

Ahhhh... It's been a while since I started to write again! Been 3 months, I guess? Well I'm glad to be back, after going thru some ups and downs... but I'm happy to say that it was mostly ups ^_^

Anyway, those blue days are gone. I'm finally back to my own self -- even better than before. Well it wasn't 100% gone but I'm proud to say that I am finally back on track, even better than before. 

Things has changed ofcourse, better or worst, I didn't regret and wouldn't want to change anything bcs I believe it all happened the way it should be. Through this journey and with everything going on in this world right now, I decided sometime we have to let go of things. I used to feel like I had to forgive myself to let things go the way it is and it worked, really.

Also.. I learned that slowly, things will get better. No matter how bad it was, it WILL get better. Things will change, people change, the world change, you do to. Be patient and believe.

I still had a lot of doubts, insecurities, and worries. But that's okay.... have some bananas, and remember that things will get better. ^_^ 

See you again soon,

Tiramisu Choco
