Strawberry Sweethearts: We're back open!

Well, I have to say that it is good to be back.

It’s been (almost) two years since I write here. The world has been full of a total ups and downs, nothing I could say to describe it. I also have been pretty busy these days, with a lot of work and things been happening. A month ago, I turned 25. I sometimes cannot believe that I am 25.. as I look back, I still have those memories when I was 15, sitting on my car on my way home from highschool with my mom driving beside me. I was looking at the window and thinking “when will I be 17?” I was counting the years. I can’t wait to be 17, idk I just feel like its cool that finally I am on my legal age. As I count, I thought “how many more years till I be 20? And 25? Omg, 25 was pretty old. I’ll probably be married at 25.” 

And now here I am, 25 years old, just started my second job, sitting on my room, writing on my iPad while waiting for my boyfriend having his online master class then we are going to have some late night gaming like we always do. You know, looking back at my younger self 10 years ago, even a year ago, there are those times that I feel like I’m a bit harsh to myself, I used to have that ‘expectation’ on my mind that if at the end of the day I did not met those expectations, I consider myself a failure. But now that I am 25, I feel like life is moving more slowly than before. I have to admit that after finishing highschool, went to college, earning my bachelor degree and finally having my first full-time job, life was moving really really fast — or it is just me, am I moving too fast? 

I guess the answer is yes. As I look back, everything don’t have to be a rush. It should be pretty classic if I say, things like, ‘enjoy every litte things in life, we can’t go back to the past’— but it’s true. I have learned that, it is important to cherish every, I’m saying, EVERY moment. Doesn’t matter if it is with your parents, friends, family, dogs, cats, coworkers, etc. Nobody and nothing is permanent, even memories. That’s why now even though I get older and full of responsibilities, I want to cherish every moment, living the life, do all the good things that I can, so that one day I would not regret the things that I haven’t done because I did well. 

Anyway.. I am proud to say that our cafe is back, and we’re open! Now for our good welcome treats, enjoy our special strawberry sweethearts!~

With love,

Tiramisu Choco

