Bittersweet Tenderness

I'm not okay.

These past few days are haunting me. I keep remembering and rewinding those things he said over and over. Am I really deserve to be treated like this? Did she really not have the right to say what she wanted to say?

Why are they okay with this? Why didn't they say a word? Why did they justify and giving rights to someone who's done wrong in front of their own eyes? When deep down they know what's right or wrong? Why didn't they say anything? Why? Why?

My head is full of thoughts and unanswered questions. All those emotions are driving me mad, even worst than before. When it all happened I didn't feel anything, it's like I feel numb with no emotion at all. But now, with all those questions came to my mind I feel like my whole body are burning.

I am writing this with all those flames surrounding me. I want to be mad,  I want to be angry, I want to ask those questions. They don't need to answer, I just want them to hear. Hear. Hear me, hear what I am saying, hear my thoughts, hear my questions.

I am sick of it. I am sick of them justify the wrong things. I am sick of them pretending it to be okay when it's clearly not. I am sick of me, myself, pretending to be nice when deep down I'm hurt. I am sick of their ignorance. I am sick of them not thinking about my feeling. Am I too selfish? Have I done something wrong?

And another questions came back to my mind. I don't know how this ends, I think, time heals of course, it does, but memories won't. Like they said, when life gives you lemon, make lemonade. While in my case, when life gives you lemon, throw it. So what if you don't like lemons? Who said I should take it? I can choose another thing. There are more in this life than those lemons. So when I choose to walk away, I took it the right way.

Tiramisu Choco
